Sunday, 26 February 2012

Odd numbers

It has been quite a while since I participated in the assignment of  Darren Rowse's Photography School.

This week the assignment was simply: Odd numbers.

And here are my odd coffee cups:

Three is a crowd

A pile of three

Three in a row

Just half a cup, thank you

Monday, 13 February 2012

Talking about gray panthers...

Ours had his 55th birthday today - and to celebrate this I took my own gray panther to dinner to a Korean restaurant in Valga.

Never give up!

Friday, 3 February 2012

On a cold winter's day

This morning the temperature was -26c. I know it sounds terrible, but as our houses are built for winter, it does not really bother us, at all. The coldness also gives a good excuse to stay indoors.

So for the past week I have sat snugly in front of the tv, and done some knitting.

I proudly present some of the handicraft that I have recently made.

Actually, with these pullovers ready, I have now no reason to stay at home. Yet, I think, instead of going out, I will start another one... One can never have too many pullovers, right?!

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Ice popsicles

They are so yummy!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

A Dog Day Afternoon - in February

The bright and wonderful winter days are here! Sun has been shining from blue sky, the weather has been dry and crisp, and cold. This morning -26c. Somehow it does not feel that cold - maybe because there is hardly any wind.

The furry member of the family, our dog Latte does not seem to mind the coldness. So far the dog only enjoys the snow, as you can see below:

"This is my favourite play."

"This is what I call rock'n'roll. Emphasis on the word roll."

"This is my famous seal impersonation."

"What are you looking at? This is my way of having fun, something wrong about it, huh?"

"Look at me - no legs!"

"I was only kidding - my legs are very much ok, I can assure you."

"What is going on down there?"

"Winter gives you lots to muse about ."